3 Ways to Honor our Feminine Energy Within

3 Ways to Honor our Feminine Energy Within

We have both masculine and feminine energies within us. Here are three ways to honor the divine feminine energy within ourselves

1. Ensure she is seen

Take time for ourselves and see ourselves, get to know ourselves and be present with ourselves. Sometimes that means simply sitting there with ourself and losing ourself in our own thoughts. Not judging them or making them bad. But simply being with, acknowledging their presence and allowing them to flow and pass through.

2. Ensure is is understood

We want to express our own thoughts, we want someone to “get us”, to know what we’re going through, to understand the day to day and moment to moment struggles we have in our mind. We want to express it and someone to receive it, so we can finally, for a moment be understood.

3. Ensure she is safe

We want a safe place to express who we are, to know that our thoughts are not wrong, that they don’t define us, and they don’t make us a bad person. We simply want a place to express every waking thought that comes to our head, not be judged for it and to be understood simply by expressing and releasing that energy we hold pent up inside.

I learned the foundation of these principles from Tony Robbins and thank him for it 🙏 .



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can

Dustin Saiidi