Changing the world
Einstein said “The world as we have created it, is a process of our thinking. It cannot he changed without changing our thinking” If you don’t like the way the world is then change the way you think about it. Jesus taught us to love our enemies. If we say “I love you” to anything and everything that bothers us and to people in the world that are acting from fear or control, and truly believe it… we can literally shift the world.
Quantum physics says everything is energetic vibration. And vibration is triggered by thought and emotions. By reason then, what happens in our world is due to the thoughts we are thinking and the emotions we are feeling.
By shifting our thoughts and emotions then, we literally shift the energy we project. This shifts the energy others feel, the thoughts others think, and the actions others take.
Nothing will shift in physical matter unless and until it has shifted in thought and emotion first.
So to change the world, change yourself and how you think and feel.
Spend ten minutes per day sending love to the people and things that bother you. And that’s how you’ll change everything.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can