Decisions Based On Consciousness Level


People Make Decisions Based On The Level Of Conscious thinking they at so if they’re thinking something or deciding something that you don’t agree with, instead of arguing with them verbally, instead raise your consciousness level energy and send love and blessings to them as well to Help Raise Their Consciousness Energy. And when you raise yours and you raise theirs and your energy field gets raised, they’re going to start thinking in a different way, it’s going to have a subconscious impact on them and then they can start to come to those decisions, those higher loving decisions in and of themselves on their own.

Decisions Based On Consciousness Level

So instead of fighting with people, you don’t like bless them, send them loves, I love you. God bless you. Don’t have to say it to their face in a sarcastic way, right? But in private and you’re on your own, just say god bless them.

I love them. God bless them. I love them. And you not only diffuse any charge between you, but you help raise your consciousness level and you help raise their consciousness level and create a harmonious coherence between the both of you and on the planet.



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