Don’t Bathe In Seas Of Opinions


Don’t Meander In The Seas Of Opinions Of Other People’s instead Set Your Anchor to the heart of the earth, set your anchor to god, and then you will be able to withstand any storm that comes at you. By setting our core and setting our desires and setting what is we want to do with god, not with what are other people going to think then we create a really firm and strong foundation.

The foundation that will help us withstand any storm. If we’re just doing things to please others like we’re trying to get the likes on our social media or what do people think of this? And how many people’s views that I get, then we’re in the seeds and we’re just gonna get thrown around by the opinions of others, no matter what we do, somebody’s not gonna be happy with it, right? It’s going to get pushed around instead, anchor ourselves to our inner core, to our inner soul, to god. And when we anchor ourselves to that, and we’re guided by that, it doesn’t matter what people think and that gives us such a strong faith and a strong foundation to be able to pursue that, which we want to pursue.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can