Don’t Just Trust. Act
Sitting around and trusting things that are going to work out is a great mindset and all, but if that’s not backed by going at your fears and pursuing your soul’s missions and desires, sitting around and trusting is not gonna do much. Um if you just, if you’re sitting around idly and you’re just, I trust everything’s gonna work out, trust everything’s workout, but you’re not going and really looking within and looking at your deep internal stuff and those deep dreams, those deep vision, sitting with yourself and talking to your higher self, talking to god and asking for guidance and direction, then things aren’t necessarily going to work out the way they work out.
But what often moves the world is not just sitting around and trusting things. What happens is people pursuing their gifts, people pursuing their missions, people going right at their fears so that they can give their gifts out into the world and help others.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can