Don’t Wait For Others To Believe In You


Don’t Wait For Others To Believe In You before you Believe in yourself. What ultimately matters in terms of what you’re going to create your accomplish or do is your belief in yourself. So, imagine that other people believe in you, take 100 of your friends and say they all believe in you, but you don’t believe in yourself.

What’s that gonna do for you? That’s gonna create a lot of pressure on you. You know, like these people believe in me, but I don’t, you’re gonna self-sabotage and you can try to avoid it and you’re gonna do things in a way to get them to stop believing in you because you don’t want that pressure. And now take the opposite, let’s say, nobody believes in you, but you believe in yourself, it doesn’t matter what they think.

It doesn’t matter what they believe. So, ultimately what matters is you have to believe in yourself. And when you believe in yourself, you have people who believe in you and you have people that don’t believe in you, but it won’t matter because you just keep going within. You keep believing in yourself, and you keep moving forward.

So stop waiting for other people to say, hey, do you believe in me. Do you give me permission? Do you think I should do my this thing? You believe it you give yourself permission. You tell yourself over and over, you’re going to do it and you will do it.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can