Environment Greater Willpower
Did you know your environment is greater than your willpower? So willpower has a limit. We can only push ourselves for so long, but if we’re in an environment that environment can actually bring us up and this is true in human level, conscious level, and also with cells when they study cells, the cells will form into different types of cells based on the environment that they’re in.
So this happens as humans too. What the way you think the way you act, the results you’re gonna get, how you behave is largely due to the environment you’re a part of. So if you don’t like the way things are going for you change your environment, go to an environment where people are more in alignment with how you want to be. If you want to be more successful, find a group of people that are more successful.
We want to be happy to find a group of people that are happier if you want to be more responsible for your life and what you can do with your life, find a group that’s like that, that’s not gonna put up with any kind of blaming. Um and that’s how you that’s one of the easiest and fastest ways to shift your life is to shift your environment and the people you hang out with.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can