Life Is About Giving
Life Isn’t Just About Getting what you want or manifesting what you want, which is really about is seeing what you can give. So a lot of times in the manifestation space where like we’re focused on what do I want, what I want. And those are valid questions are great questions I ask them all the time.
But the even deeper one that I found for myself is What Can I Give, Who Can I Be and What Can I Give In These Situations. And when I’m focused on that, I can almost always attract what I want. And what I realized is what I want is sometimes not what the mind thinks it wants.
What it really wants is a soulful feeling of contribution, fulfillment on our soul’s missions, our soul’s desires, the things that light up our soul, who we can contribute to, and how we can contribute. That’s what I found when we really focus on what can we give, not so much what can I get or what do I want.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can