Listen Whispers Of Heart


Don’t Listen To The Distractions Of The Mind. Listen To The Whispers From The Heart. The heart is where our truth is. The heart is where our soul is. The heart is where we connect with God. The mind can be easily distracted with different ideas, seeing what other people are doing.

Let me do that. Um, but instead of being up in here, come down into here and the way to do that is to really limit what it is. We’re looking at what it is we’re seeing what it is we’re hearing. Don’t pollute our mind with things that are going to lower ourselves, lower our level.

Listen Whispers Of Heart

Instead, spend time where we’re tapping in silence, spend time tapping into the heart, spend time speaking to a heart, spend time speaking to God and bringing that wisdom within. And when we do that, we tap into this higher round this more fulfilling around this more joyful realm, this stronger realm where our spirit is so strong and it’s stronger than anything that our mind could ever conceive of or achieve.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can