Masculine Can’t Be Satiated
There are essentially two types of energies that flow through us. One is the masculine energy which is the energy of going and seizing the day, accomplishing, create, do do more and more and more. Then there’s a feminine energy which is the balance, reflect, enjoy what you have, be grateful for what you have.
And the problem with the masculine energy is it never will be satiated. If you are making $100,000 a year in your business, what is the masculine energy going to do? Let’s go to 200. Let’s go to 500. Let’s go two million. There are people who make millions of dollars but they’re not happy in their life because they’re so in their masculine energy. They’re looking okay now can I get the next million in the next million? They’re not balanced with the feminine, which is, let me be grateful for what I have.
Let me appreciate what I have. To truly balance the masculine we want to at some level put a top limit so we may have bottom limits but put a top limit. Once I hit this number, I’m good. I can still work on it and do it but I’m not gonna let it control me anymore. I’m gonna balance it more with a feminine and be appreciative of what I have.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can