The 100–100 Rule
The Best Relationships are not 50–50 they are 100%-100% meaning each partner is giving 100% a 50–50 relationship is I’ll give my half if you give your half and if you’re not gonna give you half, I’m gonna withhold love and not give my half. It’s a very transactional type love. But you have to partners who are giving 100% to the other in the relationship, then you create a true love, a true magical connection.
No that doesn’t mean you drain yourself, don’t you don’t get to the relationship at the expense of yourself or you’re draining yourself. If your partner is not doing certain things, you want to communicate that, right? But you’re not looking at it, well they’re not doing this so I’m not gonna do this. You’re still giving 100%.
You’re seeing oh they’re not doing these things. How can we fix this? How can we move forward? How can we solve this? What are ways to do it? And it’s a different mindset. If you’re taking 100% responsibility for your relationship, you’re gonna act way different. Is that just reacting to your partner? You might go read books on, you might go learn how can I make this relationship better and truly create magic.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can