Trade expectations for appreciation

Trade expectations for appreciation

One way to create instant happiness in relation to others is to trade our expectations for appreciation. So if we are expecting others to do something or expecting others to behave a certain way and they don’t do it, that causes disruption, it causes anger, right? But instead of looking at you’re expecting them to do something, instead look at it like how can I appreciate what they’re already doing and when they do the thing I expect, instead of just saying, oh well that’s an expectation.

Look at it and appreciate them, send appreciation acknowledgment to that person for doing the thing that you expected them to do and what that does is it creates more happiness within if we begin to appreciate everything around us, instead of putting up expectations around us of what things should and shouldn’t be, we create more energy and happiness and joy within ourselves.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can