When Discomfort Is Strongest


When Discomfort Is Strongest?

When you’re trying to make a change in your life and it’s uncomfortable. Know that that’s The Discomfort Is The Strongest Only In The Beginning. It’s because you’re shifting your identity from point a to point b. You’re here, but you want to be here, you want to be here, you wanna be some something or someone else that can not that you’re changing your nature, you still have your nature, but you’re Shifting Your Identity to Attract Something That You Want.

Um, it’s always hard in the beginning because that’s when you are first starting off. But if you keep going and you keep using your Affirmations, Doing Prayer, Doing Meditation, you eventually shift your identity from here to here. And then the things that seem really hard to do because you are now in alignment with the identity of it become very easy because very natural and you realize you have this part of you inside that you didn’t even know about.

So take the steps in the beginning and just keep going. You’re gonna feel so much resistance in the beginning especially, but just keep going because your true calling, your soulful calling, that next level of your ascension is waiting there for you, go and seize it.



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