When You Stop Being Angry or Frustrated
When You Stop Being Angry or Frustrated at people or things that is when your life truly begins to change. So we have lots of things that happened in our life that we get frustrated about, upset about, angry about a person, a thing, a circumstance. But when we instead look at it as how can I be grateful for this?
Why? What is this here to teach me? What is this here to learn? Then everything changes. Things that happen no longer bother you. But you see it as learning lessons as teachable moments as lessons from god from the divine. Because if you’re operating at this level, right in your soul, your higher self, God says you can be at a higher level, but you first need to learn these lessons.
If certain things are bothering you right here, then how are you going to ever get to this level? Right? Spiritually financially, with relationships, whatever it is, you have to learn to be able to deal with the problems and the issues and the circumstances here.
And when you do that, then you can go to this higher level.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can