Your Actions And Inactions Have Consequences
Your Actions Have Consequences. But so does your Inaction. It’s the same thing when you take action and do things, it creates consequences, right? But if you don’t, if you know there’s stuff you should be doing or stuff you could be doing for betterment of yourself, your family, and community of the world and you don’t, guess what happens? That has consequences too. People are going to be missing the piece of the puzzle you could be putting in there.
People are going to be missing the help that you could have. Uh maybe the some of the problems in the world that people are having, maybe you’re the answer. Maybe you’re supposed to be the answer, but you’re not answering the call. So then they are going through struggles, right? So that’s a consequence.
Everything has a consequence. Everything we do everything we don’t do has consequences. So really define what is it, what impact do you want to have in the world and who do you want to be for yourself and for others? And define that and pursue it and keep telling yourself, read it every day, pursue and pursue it. Become it because people are waiting for your solutions. They’re waiting for your wisdom, they’re waiting for your words to help them in their lives.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can