Your Reaction Is Everything
It’s been said that Life Is Not What Happens To You, But How You React To It. And Quantum Physics is actually confirming this, that Life Is About Your Perceptions, Your Perception Of Reality Actually Creates The Reality. And that’s science saying that. So this is where kind of personal development and science come together, where whatever is happening, it’s more about your perception of it. So one of the ways I like to always look at things is what’s the blessing here? How is this positive? And I even maybe we’ll try to consciously send love to the situation or I’ll look at the positive situation.
How can I grow from this? What is this here to teach me? What am I here to learn? And when I view it like that, instead of bad things that are happening, I view it as good things um or things that I can learn and grow from and see where is the growth, where’s the learning, how can I be better? What is this trying to teach me? And by going through that experience, I can actually shift the experience I’m witnessing and shift it into a higher, more loving response.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can