An Alternative Method to Protect Yourself from Covid


In 2020, Dr Joe Dispenza did an experimental test conducted by scientists. They extracted blood from two groups. One group had no experience meditating. The other group were advanced meditators.

They inserted a variant of the SARS virus into both blood samples.

100% of the non meditators were infected with the virus.

Only 4% of the meditators were infected with the virus. They found in the blood of the meditators, the cells actually formed a wall and protected the cell from allowing in the virus. The cell emitted a more coherent frequency and light and the virus was blocked by that frequency.

What if

1) Meditation & Prayer,

2) Healthy emotions, and

3) Healthy diet and exercise

Were more effective in protecting you from Covid than a vaccine from Pfizer?

But what if the vaccine will make a few people billions (if not trillions) of dollars but the former would make them zero?

Which would you push to promote?

By the way, I’m not saying take the vaccine or don’t. If it comforts you take it. And there are different ways to protect yourself, not just one.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can

Dustin Saiidi