My Self Imposed Perceptions


The other day I was at a restaurant. I asked where the bathroom was and the waiter said it was outside the restaurant, down the walkway.

I felt annoyed that I had to leave the restaurant to go to the bathroom. As I was walking I was frustratedly telling myself, “That’s how things go. Another inconvenience around me.”

As I was saying that, I caught myself. “Why am I always complaining about how things around me aren’t going the way I want?”

In fact, it’s super rare for things around me to go exactly the way I want. Only once in my life can I think of where all the lights were green on my journey to my destination.

So I started pondering, “What if things around me actually went EXACTLY as I wanted them? What if all flowed exactly how I want?”

I found myself becoming terrified at the thought. In fact, I could feel, if my mind felt that or got to that place it would become very uncomfortable. I felt it would purposely find or create a disturbance, chaos, or something around me that was “not going right.”

The stillness and perfection of everything going how I want would almost have been “too boring.” I would have felt purposeless. What would my purpose be if I wasn’t overcoming something?

And to avoid feeling that sense of purposelessness, what if my mind would create a perception that ‘something’ wasn’t going right just for the mere purpose of entertaining itself?

What if everything actually was going perfect and it was only my mind, or my perception, of the thing, that made it wrong?

And what if my perceptions were self created to help me feel a sense of purpose or significance?

After this, it hit home even more that my perceptions are self created in order to satisfy an emotional need.

So if you feel like life isn’t going the way you want, maybe the first step is to change that perception and see what magic flows from there



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can

Dustin Saiidi