Appreciate What You Have
One thing that’s very important in society and in life right now is we really got to appreciate what we have. Um, there’s been so many cycles in history where people, society didn’t appreciate what they had, they didn’t appreciate the freedoms that they had, they didn’t appreciate the work that had been done to get to where they are.
And what happens is if we don’t appreciate these things on an individual, but also a collective basis, the universe sometimes may take them away. So the best way to do it is to appreciate the little things that you have, the freedom of speech, the running water. These are things that most of society and most of history has not had, so appreciate those and teach others that you’re around to appreciate those.
And the more people that do that, the more the universe comes back and says, okay, you guys are evolved, I don’t have to take them away from you to appreciate for you to appreciate it. You’re going to proactively be aware and appreciate it.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can