Comfort Vs Growth
The nervous system of the human being is wired to be comfortable, but our soul is wired to grow and that is the big challenge we have in life. It’s the battle of comfort, which is what the mind wants versus growth, expansion, pursuing our visions, doing our dreams making an impact, living our truly fulfilled life, which is the desire of our soul.
So how do we mesh between those? What the goal really is is to get your mind aligned with your soul, your soul knows has access to everything. Your mind is limited, and it’s also trying to help you survive, trying to help you be comfortable. So the only way really to get there is to understand principles of the mind like affirmations, visualization, things like that and use those to your advantage.
Because as you’ve grown up, you’ve told yourself certain phrases that have programmed your mind to perhaps have self-doubt or other people have told you things have self-doubt. So consciously pick which thoughts which phrases what you listen to and watch to reprogram your mind.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can