As You Expand The World Is Also Expand


Did you know that as you expand your thoughts in your mind and your energy and awareness, the world also expands because you are connected to the world, the part of the world is within you and you are part of the world? So the more you grow, the more you expand, the more you come from service and love, the more the energy of the world is going to expand.

And yes, one person can affect it even if it’s just a little dink in the dominoes, like have you seen dominoes, you just push one domino over, everything gets knocked over right, everything gets moved, one person can have that effect. You can have that effect because there’s a chain reaction, the chain effect.

As You Expand The World Is Also Expand

You may never see the full chain and the dominoes, like if you’re just looking at dominoes, but just looking at three, you might see, oh I impacted two people, but you don’t see the domino effect it had down the line, right? So everybody has that effect.

So it’s so important for us as individuals to continue to expand, to continue to grow, to continue, continue to evolve, and do it from a place of love and service and wisdom because that emanates throughout the world.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can