I Don’t Think You Can Actually Do Your Best
I Don’t Think You Can Actually Do Your Best unless you’re doing something that is beyond what you think that you can do. A lot of times we say, we say, oh I gave it my best, I’m gonna do my best, I’ll try my best. But really our best, we don’t really know what our best is until we’ve been pushed to the breaking point where if we’re trying to get to here where we’re like comfortable getting, then we’ll do okay, but if we try to go here, that’s like way beyond what we thought we could do. It it’s gonna push us to be such such a bigger person, so much more than we were before.
That’s when we truly give our best. That’s when we know we’re truly giving it all when we have to break through. Um and that requires sometimes that requires a lot of difficulty, requires shape, reshaping our identity, learning new skills, seeing the world differently, seeing how we are in a different way, and that’s what helps us to get there.
That’s what helps us to do and to be our best.
Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can