Attacked by a Giant Spider!


One day I was feeling down on myself for all the “problems” I had and things going “wrong.”

As I was walking around in my room sulking, a thought came to me.

“What if there were a giant 3 foot spider at the entrance of your room right now? What would you do? Would you put your head under the bed covers and wine about it? Or would you do something to remedy the situation”

At first I didn’t know why I had that thought, then it struck me. This was a message from somewhere “up there” helping me realize I was in a state of self pity. And to stop wining and blaming. Instead figure it out and remedy the situation.

It was my first real glimpse into one of the lower vibrational emotional states I liked going into. The emotion and state of self pity.

I actually didn’t even realize I was in a state of self pity. I legitimately thought I had a lot of things going on and many things weren’t going the way I want.

But when I had this new insight, I thought, maybe I’m just being in “self pity” mode? Maybe these things are to help me grow and learn, not bring me to a place of wining and complaining.

The feeling of self pity was so deep inside of me, I hadn’t even realized I was going there.

Since then, I pay attention to when I’m going there. I do my best to catch myself when I go there (and sometimes I miss it). When I’m at my best, I look at even the hardest moments as opportunities to grow.

Of course the emotional pain may still be there, but I know if I can strengthen myself through it, I will get to the other side stronger and better off than before. The pain doesn’t last forever.

Whenever we hit the dark tunnels, keep going. Eventually you’ll get out the other side. If you stop moving forward then the experience lasts longer than it needs to.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can

Dustin Saiidi