Be Aware Of Generalizing


Be Aware Of Generalizing

Something that the human mind has, it tends to Generalize things. So if we see this one little thing happened, we may our natural tendency may be to expand it or increase it. Uh you know, for example, when people say french people are rude or they make some generic comment about a country or nationality, um because one person may be had experience with one, you know, the rude person that it creates a generalization.

Be Aware Of Generalizing

It creates a stereotype, right? So Be Aware and those are not true. So Be Aware when you see yourself doing that and when you see other people doing that, taking one thing and Generalizing an entire group or entire classification of people or an entire label of people based on that one thing or that one person because it’s not really in truth.

And also it can actually harm you in terms of your perception, you can, you label, you’ll judge. So you might not see the beauty and the benefits and the gifts that can be on the other side if you’re just putting a judgmental label.



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