3 Types Of Love


In relationships, we have Three Different Types of Love.

Baby Love

The first is Baby Love

So when we see a Baby, we think they’re loving and they’re cute and they’re all-loving. That may be true at some level, but at the same time, it’s all about them. If they’re not getting their needs met, they’re going to cry out and lash out.

Now, some human beings grow up to adults and they still have this kind of love. It’s all about that person is all about me. If I don’t get what I want, I’m gonna cry, I’m gonna lash out.

The second kind of Love is Transactional Love

I’ll give you love if you give me love, I’ll do this thing.

If you do this thing is a 50 50 sort of thing. Sometimes for some people, it’s 10 90 30 70 depends, but it’s basically a transaction, I’ll do this if you do this and if the other person doesn’t do this for you, then you’re gonna withhold your love and not do that for them.

3 Types Of Love

The third kind of love is The Highest Love

It’s being love, unconditional love where you are loving the other person, regardless, that doesn’t mean you’re accepting crap from them, but you still can maintain a loving state regardless.



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