Be Dependable And Consistent
If you have a gift or a light you want to shine onto the world, show god that you can Be Dependable And Consistent in delivering that light. So we’re all interconnected and your gift that you were given your mission, your purposes is through your soul. And other souls want to experience that, but they can only experience it if god knows that you are going to deliver it in a Consistent And Dependable Manner, otherwise he can’t send people to you, uh because why would he send people to you if he if you’re not going to fulfill on on your promises, so you’re not gonna fulfill on your end of the bargain, he can’t send other people to you.
So it’s important that You Learn To Be Be Dependable And Consistent In Delivering On Your Gifts, Delivering On Your Missions, and you can do that by getting past your fears, developing the qualities of fearlessness, of courage, of being dependable, being confident, and practicing um attaining the skills you need. And when you do that, god slowly starts to send you more and more people and you can flourish.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can