Destiny Is A Possibility You Must Choose
Is Destiny A Matter Of Chance Or Choice?
People often talk about Destiny and someone was Destined for this thing, or someone is Destined for this thing. And that may be true. But Destiny Is a Possibility. It’s not necessarily a reality. If you we all have Different Destinies, we can pursue. There are different options, right? But we have to pursue and prepare ourselves in order to reach those Destinies.
It’s not just going to happen. It’s not just going to fall into our laps or into our pocket. We have to earn it here in this life. We’re given all the tools, all the skills, all the talents, the personality traits, the family, the lessons, everything we need to get there, but we have to take the action.
We have to develop the mindset, the character, the skills in order to get there and to fulfill our Destiny. So if you feel like you have a higher purpose, a higher calling a Destiny, pursue it. Go right at your fears. What skills and what skills do I need to learn?
Who do I need to become to pursue this? And if you’re scared, that’s ok, that’s what that’s part of it. The fear is the training that the fears to help you dig within dig deeper, but go and pursue and fulfill on your Destiny.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can