Biggest Battles
The Biggest Battles in our life are fought in the darkness of our minds. When we’re in silence and we’re not around anybody. That’s when we fight The Biggest Battles, and that’s the opportunity to go within and fight those Battles. So those fears, those doubts, those disbeliefs that we have those things because we think we can’t do something when we’re in silence when we’re on our own, those are the best times to go in and fight them.
Um, when I say fight them, going in and using a counter Affirmation or asking for god’s guidance or help or Meditating or Breathing through it. There are different ways, but basically, you want to defeat whatever it is in your mind when you’re in silence on your own, and when you do that when you step out to the world, you’ve already defeated it, and you already can step into that person that, you know, you are the person that, you know, you can be, the higher ascension to the higher level of yourself.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can