Your Passion Is Your Gift


Did You Know, Pursuing Your Passion And Your Purpose Is a Gift To Others? It helps you shine your light more and expand yourself more. And by doing that you become a gift to others. Now to do that, it’s everybody has fears about doing that, everybody and to do that you have to get past your fears is the only way because the fear is the great trainer.

Your Passion Is Your Gift

The fear is like the cocoon on a butterfly, right? It’s a caterpillar, it goes to a cocoon and then the only way the butterfly breaks out of the cocoon is by developing its wings and it has to develop the wing so strongly that it busts through the cocoon and is able to fly. If something else comes and breaks a cocoon for it then the butterfly will not have developed the wings to be strong enough to fly.

So you if you want to Pursue Your Mission, Your Purposes, Your Talents, we have to develop our own wings and that’s going right at our fear. I love to do Meditation and Affirmations, go right at the fear, and develop the wings to fly and shine my light.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can