Change which need is controlling you
We have six human needs and very briefly they are the need to feel certain, the need to feel variety, the need to feel love and connection, the need to feel important, the need to contribute, and the need to grow. So sometimes if we’re dealing with an issue or problem, we may be stuck in one of those needs.
For example, we may feel I’m not controlling this situation where it’s not, I don’t have certainty about this situation and that’s what’s causing stress. So become aware of that and maybe be aware like, oh, this is just a need. I’m trying to get satisfied.
Maybe I can go to a different need and enjoy the sense of variety, enjoy the unknown of this situation. Sometimes another common one is the need to feel important or significant, right? So we’re doing something. Be aware, is this me just trying to feel important, trying to feel significant.
Maybe there’s a different way I can do that. Maybe there’s a healthier way I can do that with a family with a friend. So being aware of which needs are driving us at which time can give us a lot of awareness and power.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can