Problems don’t last forever
Sometimes when we’re dealing with an issue or problem, we may think, oh, this is gonna, this is horrible, it’s going to last forever. Right? When we’re stuck in the problem, sometimes there’s no end in sight. We can’t see through the end of the tunnel and we think it’s going to be there forever.
But look back on your life at all the situations you’ve dealt with, no problem really lasts forever. It comes in waves, it comes in cycles, some might be an hour, so it might be a day, so it might be months, it might be years, but regardless, excuse me.
Regardless, all the cycles will end. So just instead of seeing instead of getting down on yourself and saying this is going to be forever, just know this is going to end. What do I need to learn in the midst of this? Who can I become in the midst of this? Who do i, who can I be in the midst of this?
Why is this a blessing, ask these types of questions and you’ll find that you’ll actually make it through the problem quicker. Many times problems are there just to teach us something external, like a skill, or teach us something internal about ourselves, and how do we can go to a higher place of love vibration?

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can