Change your story to change your life
We all have stories that we tell ourselves about how life is how people are situations are how circumstances are and what keeps us stuck in those areas is by the repetition of the story. So, by us continuing to tell that story, that story is what keeps us stuck. So if you have something that you’re going through and it’s continuous and you keep hitting the same issue or saying, well they’re saying, oh, this always happens to me, or I always have to go through this, consider that it’s not life that is always making you go through, it’s your story that you’re playing in your head creating that situation.
So, if you can be right in your story, say, no, this is my story, this is how it is, this is my sense of certainty for the world. Or if you want to be even more power, if you want to solve that or not have to go through that anymore, just ask yourself, is this situation being created by a story in my head?
And if so, what would that story be? And just get curious and ask yourself nothing wrong? No 1’s attacking you just get curious and ask yourself and then you may find a more empowering answer.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can