Switch Energies to break through
Sometimes when things aren’t going our way in life, we want to bust through it, we want to burst through. You want to push through it and it’s a very uh, let’s call it forceful, almost a masculine energy. Breakthrough.
Breakthrough, breakthrough. And sometimes that’s useful sometimes that that works. But if you’re trying to do that and it’s not working, try a different way. Which is the flow energy, the feminine energy where sometimes we’re trying to bust through a brick wall.
But if we take a step back and look, we see there’s an opening right on the other side, five ft away. But we’re so close to the problem, so close to the wall. The issue, we couldn’t see the other opening there. But if we take a step back, just look at it with new eyes and a new perspective.
We see the answer has been there all along. We could just walk right around it. So practice going through both. And sometimes you’re trying to flow through things flow through problems. But sometimes you got to sit there and stand your ground and push through really focus and be determined and get through. So it all depends.
So wherever you’re at, if what you’re doing is not working, try switching to different energy and see if that works.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can