Checking Email late at night
If you find yourself late at night in your bed checking your email, that may be because you are out of balance. So the checking the email checking work emails, doing work stuff is more of a, let’s call it like masculine energy where you’re going out there, you’re producing, you’re putting yourself out there, you’re creating, you’re doing things like that.
But sometimes we also need to be in the more feminine energy, the reflective side, the part of us that’s just being with ourselves and our own thoughts not out there, doing, doing, doing, not out there constantly creating. And if you’re, if you’re overstressed, if you’re overworked, it’s because you’re probably too much in the masculine energy, you’re probably trying to create and do too much.
So one thing I’ve learned is to go back to the feminine energy. So spend time where you’re just spending 30 minutes a day doing nothing or going on a walk or relaxing or meditating or exercising, watering the garden, doing something for yourself, for your mind, for your body, your spirit, not for other people.

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