Masculine and feminine
The masculine and feminine energy don’t necessarily mean male or female. We, both males and females, are gender-neutral. Everybody has both masculine energy and feminine energy. And masculine energy. Is that energy that like the sun, it’s full of love and life and wants to seize the day and capture and create and make our mark in the world.
And the feminine energy is like going to the mother’s womb where we want to reflect, be introspective, enjoy the moment, be at peace. And these both come in waves. There are waves of the day so we may be in more masculine energy throughout the day and then at night, go to the more feminine energy. Throughout the day, maybe every hour we’re masculine and we spent 5 10 minutes in the feminine and going in and out. And then it may happen in cycles along the week.
So during the week, maybe we’re more masculine on the weekend. Were more feminine. So these all happen in cycles. And the key is to know right now, what do I want to be in more of my masculine energy or more my feminine energy and then act accordingly.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can