Dealing With Discomfort
How To Deal With Discomfort?
One of Life’s Golden Virtues is to Learn to Deal With Discomfort. And what happens is, we have this idea of this place or this thing and we feel it’s Uncomfortable, it’s outside our comfort zone. But if we go within and we pray, we meditate and we ask God for guidance and direction and we really show that strong faith will help us go through it.
And it’s only hard, in the beginning, is because we’re shifting our identity because we have a certain identity. We see this other thing here and it seems hard or scary, but that’s just because we haven’t shifted our identity to it yet. So we want to add prayer Meditation. Also, I love to Use Affirmations To Help Shift Your Identity from here to here and then what seems so hard and such a struggle.
Once we shift our identity, it becomes natural, becomes easy. The key is to just keep going. Just keep going. Have faith find a way to shift your identity from this to this, and then everything flows much easier after that.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can