Don’t Believe Your Excuses


Believe In Your Abilities, Not Your Excuses. So we want to accomplish certain things or do certain things or be certain people for ourselves, for our family, for the community, for the world. But a lot of times we have an excuse that’s resting in the head.

Don’t Believe Your Excuses

Like, oh, i, I tried but it was too hard or I didn’t have enough resources. I didn’t have enough money, I didn’t have enough of this. Some excuse that we give ourselves as an out. So we don’t have to go for the vision, the goal.

But if we instead say I recognize that, but I am stronger than that. I’m more resourceful. My abilities are stronger than any thought that could come into my head. My abilities are stronger than anything outside of me. I am going to find a way and we stay persistent and we stay committed. We learn that those are actually spiritual values. We learn that we can actually expand our soul and by doing that we can go forth and accomplish the mission and evolve as a person in the process of it and give our beautiful gifts we have to the world.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can