I Did My Best Myth


When We Tell Ourselves I Did My Best or this person did their best. I think a lot of times we are not being truthful with ourselves because the only way to really do our best and know we did our best is to go so beyond what we think is our best, what we currently think is our limit, and then we can know we did our best.

I Did My Best Myth

And the only way to go beyond is to create a vision that’s so big, it’s so outside of us, it scares us. There’s like, there’s no way I could do that. There’s absolutely no way where we have that thought and then we commit to it and we go for it as if everything depended on it. Um, and we maybe even give ourselves, uh, timeline and we give ourselves a reward or punishment that if we don’t like, we’ll pay our spouse or someone, you know, 1000 bucks if we don’t accomplish this thing and then we move heaven on earth to try to accomplish that thing.

That’s when we have to dig within ourselves, expand ourselves. And that’s when we know we truly did our best.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can