Don’t Have Regrets
There’s no bigger regret in life than Not Following Your Intuition and then realizing later that all the things that were guiding to you to help you prepare and you didn’t prepare in that way, there’s like there’s no worse feeling. So if you have intuitive insights about following certain missions, stallings, following certain paths, being guided somewhere, follow it because your soul knows what you’re here for.
Your soul came here for a reason for a purpose and it knows way more than the mind, which is oftentimes controlled by other people what you think other people are thinking about you, but your soul knows way way more than that. So, Listen To Your Intuition, Follow Your Purpose, Follow Your Soul’s Purpose um because there’s a lot of regret on the other side of it. So there’s either the fear of going for it because it can be scary.
I know, but that’s also designed as a purpose because the fear is designed to help you build up your strength. So go within, Do Your Affirmations Affirm, Break Past It and Pursue Your Soul’s Mission. Because you can do it.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can