Discoherent Energy is Stronger
Discoherent Energies are weaker than Coherent Energies?
There’s This Principle In Quantum Physics that Discoherent Energies are weaker than Coherent Energies.
Coherent Energies And Discoherent Energies
So Coherency is when you’re basically um like everything is working together, your body, your system, your mind, everything is in flow.
You’re in a higher state of love, of peace, of joy, your emotions, you’re eating good food. All this is coherent and your energy then becomes stronger than people who are in Discoherent Energies. And this is in Quantum Physics. So what happens is if they if they show a Coherent Energy system or waves moving this way and Discoherent Energy Waves moving this way, the Discoherent Energy usually ends up becoming a little more on the coherent side. The Coherent Energies are stronger and the Discoherent Energies sort of come up and become more on the coherent site.
So yes, it’s true with your mindset, with your family systems, with your city, with your country, everything is an Energy System. So by you creating Coherence within yourself, you create Coherence within all the systems you’re a part of.

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