Don’t Let 1 Area Define You
One of the keys to being unhappy in life is to take one area of your life that’s not going very well and forget about all the areas of life that are going well. To take that one area, generalize it. Oh, I’m like this or my life is like this. But forgetting all the good things that are going on in your life and that’s just something that the human mind does.
So we often do that with career work or like if I’m struggling work, struggling my career, my whole life, this is a struggle, right? But that’s just one component of your life. You might be hard at work, but you may be great with your physical body and your fitness are great with your diet are great with your relationship.
So just see where you are in those areas that you’re not quite where you want to be and what’s the gap where do I want to be, create a roadmap or a plan or a vision for where you want to go, and just focus on that. But don’t make your whole identity about that one thing. That one area that you’re not quite where you want to be, remember, you’ve got lots of areas and lots of good things going on in different parts of your life.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can