Express With I Statements
How To Use I Statements?
If you’re in a relationship with others or just through friendships and you want to express something that’s going on, rather than argue with them, don’t make it about them, make it about you. So, for example, if you’re with a significant other, don’t say, oh, you always do this or you are like this instead, say, oh, my experience of this was or my feeling was if you say you you you you’re making that statement arguable, you’re telling them what they did or they shouldn’t do or they can do and you’re making it arguably because then they’re going to get defensive and say, well, I didn’t mean it like that, or I wasn’t trying to do that.
But if you share your experience, your feeling of it, that’s not arguable. It’s just how you feel, you’re sharing your experience, whether your feeling was quote unquote, right or not, right? It was your experience your feeling. So turn it from.
I instead of you, instead of pointing the finger at others, just kind of express how you are and where you’re feeling at. And you’ll make you’ll bring, have a lot less arguments in your relationships.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can