Don’t only focus on what’s missing


One of the ways we get stuck in life is we’re focused on what is missing, what don’t we have, what’s missing from our lives, what’s missing from our business? What’s missing from our relationship? What’s missing from someone we love or we want to hang out with. We’re focused their right and that gets us stuck.

It gets us in the lower vibrations that get us in angst anxiety and fear. So the antidote to that is to focus on what we do have focused on what we’re grateful for. Focus on what we like in that person, focus on what’s going right in our lives. We’re going right in our business or going right with that person.

Focus on what is going well, focus on the good on the positive. Now, it could be advantageous to know what’s missing, right? Because that helps us plan. It helps us anticipate so we can go there, but we don’t want to stay there emotionally. We go there.

We think, okay, this is how we can solve it or improve it. And then let’s flip back and let’s focus on what’s positive, what’s going right? And that immediately changes our state into one of high vibration.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can