Embrace Responsibility
I used to want to avoid responsibility. I wanted to have as little responsibility as possible. I would create a law practice and then had other people run it. I wanted to travel around and not have any responsibilities and that’s all good creating the business is having other people run it and also traveling as all wonderful.
But I realized it is my intent behind it was it was to help is to have a lifestyle I wanted. But also at some level is to avoid trying to, trying to really be responsible for being my best self, be responsible for being who I could truly be for others. And when I realized that responsibility is actually the key responsibility is the key to being your best self.
Responsibility is the key to being able to help others at the highest level and living the most fulfilling life. Because when we take responsibility for ourselves for our lives, where we create for others for every single day, then we gain our power back. Otherwise, we’re always trying to run, run from responsibility.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can