Help To Help Not For ego
Well, I think I’ve been struggling with is there’s this sort of idea, a philosophy that you should in life make a name for yourself or leave a legacy behind, create something for yourself, be known. Be stand out things like that, right? And that’s all great and that’s all normal.
But what I’ve realized is sometimes it’s hard to be focused on that if also you want to just help others. So because if I’m trying to leave a legacy for myself, make a name for myself that’s focused on me, right? It’s like look at me and make sure I get the credit, make sure people see me doing the thing, make sure people acknowledge me.
But if I’m there just helping others, if that’s the main goal, I don’t even need to be acknowledged for it, I don’t even need to be seen for it. Nobody even has to know me or know my name and that’s actually more impactful, more powerful. Sometimes you’re that silent wizard, that silent saint sitting over there on the side helping others, but nobody even knows you were there. And sometimes that’s even more beautiful.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can