Energy Can Only Be As Good As
In Quantum Physics, Low Vibrational Waves, if they want to switch or go or move up, they can only go as high as the waves that they are around basically the highest level of certain wave energy is how high other waves can go. So what this means is in real life, How high you are as a wave as an energy wave. You are you depending on how you are, you limit how I others can go.
This is true for the communities, you’re part of yourself. For the family units, you’re part of for the nation, you’re part of the more you Increase Your Wave Energy, the more you allow others to be increased as well. If you are stuck at certain Energy that subconscious level and the Energy Waves of others can also not rise above.
And you guys are all sort of like that’s why if some people are brought down, they bring the entire group down. If other people rise up, they can bring the entire group up. It’s all energy and waves go to a High Energy Wave and you will raise other people’s waves as well.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can