Fear Is
Fear Is False Evidence Appearing Real, 99. 999% of Fears are not real. They’re only in the head. And the only way to really attract fearful things is to if we constantly think about it or we ponder on it or we draw that energy or collectively we’re in a field that’s drawing it in right? So it can be individually or collectively.
So the way to shift that is to not focus on the fear or go into Meditation and do your Affirmations and just plow through the fear, bust through the fear. Maybe it’s breathwork and is releasing the fear, the more you release the fear from yourself, the less likely you are to experience it.
And if you’re in a field of Energy where that exists, then you can actually shift the energy of the field so you can shift other people’s thoughts as well. So they may start releasing their own fears. So the Best Way To Deal With Fear Is to release it, don’t focus on it or go right at it within going meditation, go right at it and break through it.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can