Focus What You Want To Experience
Focus Only On That Which You Want To Experience. In quantum physics, they say that the observer not only exceeds and experience this reality but they create reality. And the reason is we when we perceive things and we see things and we think about things we’re sending energy out and as we send energy out whatever we’re focusing on gets amplified.
It gets strengthened even if we’re sending negative energy like low vibration or high energy like loving vibrations. That thing is getting strengthened. So whatever we want to experience or attract more of send love to it, focus on only that which we want to experience and send love to it. And by doing that we expand those things we love, we strengthen those things that we love and we also draw more of that and we draw more of that emotion in.
Now if you’re dealing with certain unpleasant things, either don’t focus on it or send love to those unpleasant things that might be, people might be situations just send love to it. Send love to it and love to it and you will shift the energy of it.

Overcome limiting beliefs
Feel more deserving
Become more successful by first believing you can