Global Warming because of human activity? Or human emotion? Or both?
The Earth has been heating up. It appears there is more and more discord. Some have said the Earth will ‘pop’ within the next few years.
What if this was because the Earth is actually angry?
“Angry?” You say. What do you mean the Earth is angry?
The Water
The Earth is 73% water.
The science and studies of Dr. Masaru Emoto, Veda Austin, and many others have clearly demonstrated that water can pick up on the thoughts, intentions, and emotional energies of people. It also has been shown that water can send information to people. Water even sends information and is attracted to other water.
One could premise then, that water on Earth is picking up on the thoughts, intentions and emotional energies of the inhabitants of Earth.
Thus, the water in and on the Earth knows when the dominant emotions of its inhabitants are angry or upset.
And the more humans go to fear, angry, and upset, the “angrier” the Earth can becomes.
The Trees and Plants
Studies have also shown that plants and trees can pick up on thoughts, intentions and emotional energies of people. Lynn McTaggert, in her book The Intention Experiment, describes a story where a plant hooked up to a lie detector test showed erratic measurements when the owner of the plant had the thought to set the plant on fire.
The plant picked up on the thought signal from the owner.
It’s clear then that water and plants pick up on the emotions, thoughts, and energies of the human race. And it acts upon and reflects that energy.
The Earth is our Mother and Daughter
The Earth is not only our mother, it’s our daughter. And as a daughter watches her mother to learn how to act, think, and behave, so too the Earth is watching us.
How we act, think, and behave, the Earth will too.
If people live in fear, the predominant emotions in their body (which is also 73% water) feels that emotion and sends that information to water all over the Earth. There is water in the atmosphere, so this water likely carries the signal around to other bodies of water, which in turn, affect other bodies of water.
And when a collective mass of energy (ie. People) are feeling and sending certain emotions, then the water and trees pick up on those emotions.
Thus, when the people are angry, the Earth is angry.
And when the Earth is angry, it’s energy creates more anger, causing a downward spiral.
What’s the Solution
The Earth needs to express its anger, sadness and other pent up emotions in healthy and beneficial ways. There are several ways to do that. I’ll share one method here.
We must express our anger, sadness, and other pent up emotions in healthy and beneficial ways.
How we do it, the Earth will do it.
The Earth expresses itself in several ways. But the most important way may be through people.
We carry emotions. And if we bottle our emotions inside, then we are keeping those emotions in our system and the system on Earth. And through water and perhaps other waves, these emotions may continue to remain on the planet.
To release the Earth’s emotions, then we need to release our emotions. There are many ways to do it, including tapping and breath work.
The best way I have found is through what I call “release mantras”.
What I have found is there are generally two types of pent up emotions we have:
1. Level 1 emotion - Emotions we are aware of
2. Level 2 emotion - Emotions we are not aware of
Level 1:
These are emotions we feel and go to and are conscious of it. For example, if you asked me if I was angry person, consciously I would say no. I consider myself very good natured and rarely get angry. And if I do, usually only for a few moments. This means that I had very little anger at my Level 1 emotion.
Level 2:
If I ever feel any sort of blocks or tensions in my head or body, then I have a Level 2 emotional block there. This is emotion that so deeply rooted in the body, I’m not consciously aware of it, even as a conscious and aware being. I’m simply aware of a feeling or block in my body or head. These are deep emotional blocks that are in our body, which we’re not aware of. They may be lodged in there from from childhood, energy we carry from our blood line or past lives, or even emotional energy embedded in the collective consciousness. For example, sometimes we feel like we are not “good enough,” we don’t “have what it takes”, or we need to “prove ourselves.” We take these as normal everyday emotions, but they may be more than that. They may be deep energies in the body. And these energies manifest themselves in both our lives and the collective.
For example, when I observe some of my subconscious motivations, I found that many of them were to try to prove I was good enough or to be impressive. These are in line with the ego desires, not with the soul and harmony of the universe.
I think everyone has these Level 2 blocks at some level. I believe if one were to clear all their level 2 blocks, they will reach and live the essence of their soul in pure enlightenment. They will achieve Christ consciousness.
By clearing out these Level 2 blocks from our body, we also clear those energy blocks out from the Earth.
What are the release mantras
I tapped into my intuition to see how to clear these level 2 blocks and that’s when “release mantras” came to me.
Release mantras sound like they’re negative mantras and I avoided using them for years, even though intuitively they kept coming back to me.
Here are a few examples:
I don’t have to prove I am good enough I don’t try to control people I don’t fear what people are going to think
I’ll be clear about this. If you asked me if I was the type of person who tries to ‘control people’ or feels ‘I have to prove I am good enough’, I would have definitely said no.
I’ve done a lot of internal work and there is no way anyone would have convinced me that I even had these thougWhen I did deeper meditations and felt blocks in my body or head, I would try to decipher what the block was, and phrases would come to me. And the idea, that if I repeated these phrases, the blocks would be removed.
But, if you look at these phrases, they’re often formed in the negative. And, I know the popular culture says to use only positive affirmations.
However, I have found that to only be a half truth. Quantum physics hint that you should say the truths you want to have. For example, if I want to no longer feel I have to prove I’m good enough, I’ll repeat that exact phrase and create that exact truth. Plus if my intuition was telling me to say it, then it’s better I say it.
For years I avoided using release mantras; however, they kept knocking, more and more vehemently, so finally I started doing them…hts. But, they’re level 2… hidden below my awareness.
They released deep internal blocks and energy and gave me insights to how the Earth and Universe works at such a deep level, I never would have gone there only using positive affirmations.
I would ask you try it out for yourself. If you have energy blocks in your system you haven’t been able to shake, try repeating these mantras while in meditation for a few minutes. At first it may feel awkward, but if you keep going, you’ll break through to level never before felt.
Try it and hit reply to this email to let me know how it went. I am genuinely curious if you’re going to have the same experience as me.

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