Make Every Year The Best Year of Your Life


Make Every Year The Best Year of Your Life. We have sort of this thought pattern in the, in the consciousness of the culture where, you know, college are the best years. Those are the best years, right? But that’s such a limited thinking like what happens after college?

Are you just you’re done, you’re on the decline now? Or do you want to consciously create the best years every year? Why don’t I pursue this year? What would it take for this year to be the best year of my life and then next year, what would it take this year to be the best year of my life?

Make Every Year The Best Year of Your Life

Ask these types of questions. Don’t just let this year be on autopilot or oh, this is going to be a crappy year or anything like that.

How can I make this the best year?

Go with that attitude, go with that mindset right down journal. What would I need to do? What would I need to experience, what would happen for this year to be the best year of my entire life?

And then you can start as you start to think about it, you can start to create like that trip to Egypt or Italy, that I’ve always wanted to, I could go there this summer, I could do those things you can do. You realize you can start doing those things and you can create this to be the best year of your life, let me know what you think in the comments below and follow for more Manifestation Tips.



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